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Get Inspired: The 2022 Christmas Encouragement You Need

Tis' beginning to look a lot like...snow.

It's almost Christmas and it's been seven months since my last blog post. A lot has happened since the last time I posted, but I'm here to give you all the fun, miraculous, and gory details. Don't worry, the only gory thing here is my summer socks (Haha, Jane). I've been looking forward to bringing you guys more encouraging words. But I've been really busy it feels like I haven't even had time to take a deep breath...yet (Inhaling deeply).

So what have I been busy with?

Well, your girl got her first job in June (Yay)! It was a miracle and a blessing, and you would understand why if you read my last blog post which you can find here. But just in case you want to forgo that, here's a recap: I was struggling for close to a year trying to get my first job.

(If you need all the details as to why and what helped me overcome the struggle, please check out that post.)

My job came 6 weeks after that post and I cannot put into words how I felt. It was like an out-of-body experience, and you will hear all about it soon.

The other thing that's been keeping me busy is YouTube. Yes, I officially started creating content for my YouTube channel. That alone took up a lot of my spare time, alongside writing my novel on Wattpad. It was around that time I got my job and made an entire video about the job I got and how God was working the entire time.

Work-Life Balance

Since I got my job, time has literally flown by. I work 10-7 every weekday and on alternate Saturdays as a Content Writer. I love my job and I get really excited when I get to work with some of the company's clients like Revlon, ShopDisney, Faces Canada, and many others. It's interesting because there are times when I get to do heavy research and learn new things. Other times I'm well-versed in the topic and I just go straight to town.

It's been quite a ride; exciting, fun, and educative. But there are days, especially recently, when I just want to stay in bed all day and never get out. Or do the cliche thing; get a cup of hot cocoa and curl up by the fireplace because tis' the season...and all. I don't know if that's just because Christmas is here, or if I really need a break from work. Right now, I'm choosing to believe it's the former.

So, that's nine hours of my day gone. Which leaves me 7 hours of a good night's sleep.

Who am I kidding?

Make that 9 hours of the best sleep of my life.

Now, that leaves me 6 hours of doing other things. And now you're probably like: That's a lot of time to get productive, Jane.

Don't Jane me. It used to take me around 3-4 hours to edit my YouTube videos. But, thank goodness, I've decided to shift my content creation for YouTube from videos to shorts. So, no more long hours of grilling and stressful editing process. I get to focus on the other important thing in my life; writing. Or should I say more writing?

I am a Wattpad writer and I've been writing Romance stories for the past 6 years. Writing is my first love and I'm so glad I get to do that for my day job as well. I've got so much to tell you about what I've been up to on Wattpad, but that's a story for another time.

So, the reason you're all here. Definitely not an update on what's been going on in my life. But it all leads to this; I have been so blessed. At the start of the year I was feeling down about not having a job, and now I have a job and things have been going great (Mostly because I love Christmas and I'm happy around the holidays). This is just a reminder to everyone out there struggling through their period of waiting. You are where you need to be at this moment of your life. Trust in God, have faith in him and let his peace wash over you as you remember that He is in complete control.

I have no idea what you've been through this year, but I know that everything happens for a reason. It might not be what you want to hear right now, but whatever you're going through; grief, rejection, fear, stress, addiction, restlessness (heart, mind, soul), heartache, worry, whatever. I pray that you come out the other side with understanding and peace. With God, everything is possible, and I hope you find your way back to him to help you through whatever situation you're in.

You're probably like: it's too late or there's no hope.

No, it's not late. It's never late to turn things around. God is always right there, where he's always been, waiting for you to turn around and run back into his arms. One of these days, I'm going to have to tell y'all how I found my way back to him. Every day is another day, but I'm still finding my way, and discovering everything that he is. For God is boundless, limitless, and beyond any of our imaginations. There are so many things that have helped me through tough times and I'm going to have to, once again, find the time to hook you guys up with all the Christian podcasts I've been listening to lately. These podcasts have helped in tough times and every day is a new day to discover who God is in his word.

Anyway, guys, that's it for now. I'm not sure when I'm going to post next, but I'm hoping to be on here more frequently for you guys. There's just so much encouragement I want to give everyone, or whoever this post reaches, even if it's just you.

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed, prosperous, and Happy New Year.

Love you muchly (I didn't come up with this), Jane.

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